Lock-Out Tag-Out

Features and Functions
• Equipment Module will store default tagout and restoration positions for each component
• Automatic assignment of position when a component is added to a Tagout Enclosure
• Equipment stores the required isolation boundaries for a component
• Work Order stores the required isolation boundaries necessary to safely perform work at the Work Order Task level
• Work Order will store the Tagout ID of the Tagout which will provide protection for the Work Order Tasks associated with that Tagout
• Prevention of workers from signing into work that does not have the required isolation boundaries in effect
• Listing of all supervisors and workers who are currently signed into work
• Provides the business logic necessary to implement conflict checks on LOTO enclosures prior to their performance
• Provides the ability to share tags on components between multiple isolation documents
• Provides the ability to print associated reports, such as tagout details, enclosures, permits to work tag labels, and hold tags